Tapi jangan khawatir, verifikasi paypal masih bisa menggunakan bank lokal tapi ini lain ama verifikasi secara manual karna cara ini mengunakan cara manual, yaitu dengan mengirim email ke empunya paypal, selayaknnya pengguna mengajukan proposal agar dapat menggunakan jasa ini. Bagaimana caranya?? Baiklah saya akan menjelaskannya secara bertahan :
anda pingin paypal anda di verifikasi tanpa harus keluar duit.tanpa harus punya kartu kredit, silahkan lakukan langkah berikut;
catatan anda coba pakai paypal PRIMER lho yaa
1.login ke paypal anda yang belum di verifikasi.
bagi anda yang belum punya akun paypal tenang tinggal klik aja banner berikut anda langsung tinggal daftar
2.jika sudah login pilh menu profil,terus klik tambah/edit rekening bank
pada saat memasukan data di akun bank
berikut kode BANK anda tinggal pilih nama bank anad dan masukan 7 angka kode bank anda
3.nah isilah data data yang di minta dengan benar,ingat nama akun paypal kita harus sama sama yang ada buku tabungan
4.sekarang lah waktunya.proses pengajuan proposal di mulai
5.pilih menu hubungi kami
6.setelah masuk ke menu hubungi kami,terus klik kirimi kami email
7.jika sudah akan muncul pilih topik .
8.nah pilih rekening bank/kartu kredit terus klik Rekening Bank-tambah/Hapus/Edit terus klik lanjutkan
9.kalau sudah klik lanjutkan maka akan muncul formulir
10.isilah 4 angka terakhir no rek pada kolom rek
11.isilah pada kolom pertanyaan dengan pertanyaan berikut ini
'' can i verified my account using my bank statement? ''
12.sekarang tinggal isi kotak yang paling
besar dengan pernyataan sedikit bohong disini kita mengaku sebagai
mahasiswa atau syukur syukur memang benar mahasiswa,tapi ini ga :
Dear paypal
Hello, my name is ... . I am a new member of paypal.
I am just an university student. I use paypal to accept my payment from my freelance work. My client only use paypal to send their payment, and they require me to have a verified paypal account.
This is my problem. When i tried to verify my account, i must enter some credit card number and i dont have any credit card..
I ask you with all my respect..can i verify my account without credit card? How can i do that? I use paypal because paypal is really popular in online payment..And the most important thing is, I cant receive my money if i dont have a verified paypal account..
Please Advice me what should i do..?
Hello, my name is ... . I am a new member of paypal.
I am just an university student. I use paypal to accept my payment from my freelance work. My client only use paypal to send their payment, and they require me to have a verified paypal account.
This is my problem. When i tried to verify my account, i must enter some credit card number and i dont have any credit card..
I ask you with all my respect..can i verify my account without credit card? How can i do that? I use paypal because paypal is really popular in online payment..And the most important thing is, I cant receive my money if i dont have a verified paypal account..
Please Advice me what should i do..?
Thank you very much..
13.selanjutnya klik lanjutkan sampai sini
proses belum selesai.kita tunggu balasan dari costumer service paypal
via email kurang lebih 1 x 24 jam
14.nah email pertama yang diterima kurang lebih begini
I am Raven from the PayPal Customer Caring Team. I tried to call you
today to help you solve the problem on phone but couldn't reach you by
using the phone number that you registered in your PayPal account. So I
am writing this email to you with all the information.
I know that you don’t have a credit card to verify your PayPal account.
Please don’t worry, we can help you out on your problem. We can get your
account verified manually if you complete the following steps:
Send the following documents to manualverify@paypal.com:
a. Your photo ID (Identification Card/Driver License/Passport)
b. Bank account statement/Bank book of your bank account ending with
**11, which shows your name and bank account number
Please send the documents in GIF or JPG format to us by using your
PayPal primary email address. And all the documents are supposed to be
no larger than 500KB, otherwise, we will be unable to receive the
After we receive your documents, we will process them and get back to
you within 1 business day.
I hope this is helpful for you. In the next couple of days, you may
receive a survey regarding our service. Please kindly provide us your
feedback, and let us know if you’d recommend us to your family and
friends. Only a score of 9 or 10 shows that you’d recommend us.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
selamat mencoba semoga sukses
a. Your photo ID (Identification Card/Driver License/Passport)
b. Bank account statement/Bank book of your bank account ending with
**11, which shows your name and bank account number
Please send the documents in GIF or JPG format to us by using your
PayPal primary email address. And all the documents are supposed to be
no larger than 500KB, otherwise, we will be unable to receive the
After we receive your documents, we will process them and get back to
you within 1 business day.
I hope this is helpful for you. In the next couple of days, you may
receive a survey regarding our service. Please kindly provide us your
feedback, and let us know if you’d recommend us to your family and
friends. Only a score of 9 or 10 shows that you’d recommend us.
If you need any further assistance, please feel free to contact us by
email or by phone. Thanks again for choosing PayPal.
15.jika kita sudah terima email yang bunyinya seperti di atas itu artinya tinggal sedikit lagi paypal kita di verifikasi,langkah
selanjutnya adalah yang seperti di atas di tulis, kita di suruh
ngirimin foto kopi identitas,ktp/passport,sama foto kopi buku tabungan
kita.gampang kan tinggal di scan jadi dan ingat tidak boleh lebih dari 500kb,kalau lebih email kita tidak akan di proses seperti bunyi pernyataan diatas.
kalau saya pakai SIM kalau anda pakai apa,terserah pakai apa aja yang penting sesuai aturannya
sama satu lagi kirim data data tadi ke manualverify@paypal.com jangan salah kalau ga pingin ngulang
16.kalau kita sudah ngirim data tadi kita
akan dapat balasan yang isinya konfirmasi bahwa data kita sedang di
proses kurang lebih 72 jam, tapi saya cuma sehari langsung di proses
17.terakhir kalau kita dapat email
seperti ini itu berarti sudah di verifikasi akun paypal kita ga percaya
silahkan anda login lihat hasil kerja keras anda terbayar,di verifikasi
akun paypal kita.
Dear Andri , ,
Thank you for contacting PayPal in regard to the verify account issue.
We have verified your PayPal account now.
Thank you for using PayPal for your online payment needs.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
Thank you for contacting PayPal in regard to the verify account issue.
We have verified your PayPal account now.
Thank you for using PayPal for your online payment needs.
PayPal Account Review Department
PayPal, an eBay Company
saya pakai rek bni berhasil silahkan anda daftar pakai rek apa aja bisa kok
untuk membuktikannya silahkan anda
coba,jika tidak berhasil silahkan anda datang lagi bawa pentungan kalau
ga anda boleh marah marah sah kok
tapi jika berhasil selamat datang lagi boleh ga kesini lagi juga boleh hehehe bercanda
gw sdg coba nich gan saran dan petunjuk dari nt..doain ya mdh2an gw bwerhasil jd gw gak perlu biukin kartu kredit lagi..cuma kalu bank mandiri bisa gak ya?
BalasHapusisi kotak yang paling besar dengan pernyataan sedikit bohongnya boleh kopas sama persis di atas gak?